
How Online Education Providers Can Benefit From Omnisearch

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How Online Education Providers Can Benefit From Omnisearch

With the rapid advancements in technology, many educators began to address typical classroom challenges. Schools and universities recognized the issues with comprehension, focus, and different learning capacities. As a result, leveraging automated transcription materials like Caption ensures that every student can absorb the most out of the lectures. Transcribed lectures allow both students and teachers to utilize technology to promote accessibility, convenience, and varying learning styles.

How Transcriptions Benefit Students

To promote effective teaching, one should be able to accommodate different attention spans. A majority of US students can pay their full attention to a particular material for about  20 minutes. Beyond that, they tend to zone out and lose their concentration. This finding indicates that 60-90 minute classes are already making it difficult for them to stay focused. On top of that, the remote learning arrangements due to the pandemic has exposed them to countless distractions.

Transcribed lectures help ease the students’ burden by enabling them to catch up on what they may have missed. Apart from keeping them attentive in class, it can also cover the topic in its entirety to help them fully understand it as well as providing easy access to any specific pieces of information they may need through a searchable database.

Focus on Learning

With most classes going online, it became even more difficult for students to focus in class. It can be tough to concentrate on what the professor is saying while trying to jot them down. Some students rely on their scribbled notes to recall the lecture in preparation for a test. If you provide a transcribed lecture, though, there is no need for them to do this anymore. This transcription helps them focus entirely on the lecture and participate.

On top of simply transcribing the class material, Caption also provides an advanced search engine for all transcribed material. This allows a student to search for any information covered within the lectures and have the information they need within seconds. They can search for information based on topics or specific keywords then rewatch that section of the lecture as well as read the transcription. So, not only will students have transcriptions of their lectures, all of the information is stored in an easily searchable database.

Moreover, students are more likely to divert their attention from things around their room during lectures. Having their eyes glued on a computer screen for more than 60 minutes can make them susceptible to eye strain and fatigue. This fatigue is one reason why a growing number of students tend to doze off in the middle of a class. Providing them with an automated transcription of the session through Caption can help fight this fatigue. Even if they wander off for a bit, they can still obtain sufficient information for tests to come.

Create Study Guides for Tests

Students learn differently. You can overcome your differences as a student with the right material. Transcriptions of the recorded lectures can save you enough time from taking notes. It allows students to review the lecture ahead of time and consult with the professor to fulfill their knowledge gaps. On top of that, the material comes in handy in preparation for exams. The transcribed lectures serve as study guides that highlight the critical portions of the topic.

Students can also utilize Caption’s advanced search functionality to review any material they do not fully understand. This method is especially ideal for visual learners who are unable to work around recorded lectures. Visual learners tend to learn better when they can interact more closely with the material.

Explore Learning Alternatives

Online education providers must realize that not every student learns the same way. In this school year alone, the US is hosting approximately one million international students. Transcribed lectures help students whose native language is not English.

Nonetheless, students that thrive on different learning styles can explore their options with lecture transcriptions. They can collect and absorb information without being restricted by audio material or the class session’s limits.

Advantages of Caption for Educators

No matter the class size, the students’ backgrounds, or their learning capacities, the online class setting presented challenges to educators and students. As an online education provider, it is your responsibility to overcome these limitations.

Professors must ensure that each student in the class can understand lectures. Students can acquire a better understanding of specific topics if they receive learning modules.

These modules are usually transcriptions of the class sessions through applications like Caption. Allowing students to connect to the material closely addresses the shortcomings of the traditional classroom setting.

Here are more of the advantages of Caption for online education providers:

Promote Accessibility

Providing a hardcopy of the previous class section promotes accessibility. It extends access to the learning material to those in need. For instance, students who experience difficulty hearing may struggle to keep up with online classes. This method can also accommodate international students that are not fluent in English. Transcribed lectures give them time to translate the material and improve how they absorb it.

Save Time

Online classes can impede seamless communication between the teacher and their students. Apart from dealing with technical issues, you may spend most of the time making clarifications in a lecture. Professors would often need to stop to let their students catch up. There may also be situations when students consult with you, only to have you repeat yourself.

To save both you and your students’ time, provide transcribed lectures covering the topic in its entirety. Instead of typing the entire session or making an outline by yourself, automate transcription of the lecture through Caption. It can also improve the classes altogether. With no need for students to write down the essential portions of the lecture, they can interact and contribute valuable inputs throughout the course. Students and professors even have access to an easily searchable database to always have the exact information they need at their fingertips. Finally, professors can utilize transcribed lectures and the searchable database to save time from creating tests and quizzes.

Reassess Your Teaching Style

Educators value professional growth to be able to succeed in their expertise. Transcribed lectures help them look back at their previous performance. It is an excellent opportunity for them to find areas that they need to improve. A transcription of your class session allows you to notice when you ramble, provide too much information, or skip through the critical parts. Overall, educators can assess their teaching styles and see which ones have worked.

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